Ökoplan attending MIPIM 2018

For the 10th time respectively, Ökoplan attended the world’s leading property market show: MIPIM. According to Ökoplan, MIPIM is an important opportunity to exchange cultural and professional experiences with real estate pioneers from all over the world. The show also gives an interesting chance to expand Ökoplan’s circle of contacts and to have a better vision of the real estate market nowadays.

Ökoplan had the honor to be one of the companies representing Egypt in MIPIM 2018, aiming at encouraging other Egyptian companies to participate in MIPIM during the coming years to increase Egypt’s presence.

The picture shows Dr. Tamer Elkhorazaty, Ökoplan’s CEO, Dr. Rowaida Rashed, Business Development Manager and Arch. Injy Salah, Business Development Specialist.

Ökopress- 5+UDC and ÖKOPLAN at CityScape breakfast

On Tuesday the 17th of January, 5+UDC and Ökoplan attended CityScape breakfast.


“Evaluating the Impact of Mega-Projects on the Real Estate Sector” was the main title of the event. The event comprised several presentations and discussions about the mega projects in execution and the evaluation of Cairo Market; explaining the different aspects having impact on the Egyptian market and the real estate market analysis.
The panel of discussion combined different topics:

• Understanding the current status of mega-projects, focusing on the New Capital City and the development of the Suez Canal Corridor

• The currency fluctuation and its influence on the progress of projects

• The effect of the construction in mega projects on the rest of the sector in terms of human resources and materials

• The application of smart and sustainable building

• The lessons learned from mega-project construction

Ökopress-Ökoplan landscape in Daghash 2016 Workshop

On the 14th of October 2016 Ökoplan Landscape Team members engaged with Daghash Workshop for Shading Solutions 2016. The Team met Global experts in the shading industry, also got acquainted the latest solutions of the field.

The Team was exposed to the industries world class manufacturers such as French PVC producer Serge Ferrari, Poly Fab, World leader in HDPE fabric manufacturing and many other manufacturers from Italy and Germany like Palagina mosquito nets and technical curtains, MDT-TEX designs for textile outdoor architecture, Para SRL handling solution in the field of corrugated cardboard, Ke-Bat producing accessories and parts for sun protection systems and Jonata Monceri for solar panel technology on shades.

The team intends to implement this knowledge in future designs. Maintaining Ökoplan’s edge in providing our clients with the latest, the most practical and always an appealing design.

Ökopress- Armstrong Seminar for Ökoplan Team

On Wednesday 23rd of November, Ökoplan and Armstrong for ceiling solutions organized a seminar session, in which Eng. Wael Abdel-Ghani, representative of Armstrong, prepared a fully-detailed presentation about the different specifications and scopes of services of Armstrong for ceiling solutions.


The presentation covered different points:

1- Introduction: giving a brief on the history of the company, the different branches all over the world and the different products.

2-Product Range: including different types of walls, ceiling materials and suspension systems.

3-Technical Overview: taking into consideration the acoustics, attenuation and fire performance of the materials.

4-Custom Solutions: containing all the challenging custom-made designs that they achieved for realizing their clients’ needs.

The session was very fruitful for Ökoplan team. It showed challenging designs by Armstrong and the development of their techniques in the field.

The team will- from now on- consider implementing this added knowledge in future designs to sustain Ökoplan’s edge in bringing the latest and the most practical design to our clients.

Ökoplan at Engineerex 6

Ökoplan gladly participated this year- for the first time- in Engineerex: the MENA Region’s largest Engineering and IT Career Fair. Being one of the leading Engineering Consultancy firms in Egypt, Ökoplan’s participation has been a great addition to the fair, alongside other powerful Engineering and Tech employers with the best engineers and IT professionals in town.

Moreover, our participation was fruitful in many ways:

1. We created multiple connections with different companies and individuals on the professional level.

2. We had face-to-face interactions with job hunters, which makes employment easier for us as an employer.

3. We exchanged mutual benefits with job hunters as we had the chance to meet people, who would be able to help fulfill our vacancy expectations.