Ökoplan attending MIPIM 2018

For the 10th time respectively, Ökoplan attended the world’s leading property market show: MIPIM. According to Ökoplan, MIPIM is an important opportunity to exchange cultural and professional experiences with real estate pioneers from all over the world. The show also gives an interesting chance to expand Ökoplan’s circle of contacts and to have a better vision of the real estate market nowadays.

Ökoplan had the honor to be one of the companies representing Egypt in MIPIM 2018, aiming at encouraging other Egyptian companies to participate in MIPIM during the coming years to increase Egypt’s presence.

The picture shows Dr. Tamer Elkhorazaty, Ökoplan’s CEO, Dr. Rowaida Rashed, Business Development Manager and Arch. Injy Salah, Business Development Specialist.